Better systems, better jobs: a closer look at value-chain development for decent work

BEAM Grab the Mic webinar

Date: 11 February 2021

Valerie Berset Bircher, SECO
Merten Sievers, ILO
Khairul Islam, ILO (Sri Lanka)
Raji Rajan, Gatsby Africa (Kenya)
Moderators: Matt Ripley and Elisa Mandelli, ILO

A new edition of the ILO’s flagship guide Value chain development for decent work was published this year. The speakers described how a systemic approach is integral to supporting the creation of more and better jobs in value chains.

Two practical case study examples were presented. Each illustrated how a systemic approach was used to understand value chain functions and context, why they are not serving the needs of vulnerable target groups, and how deeply rooted constraints might be addressed to promote decent work.

ILO’s LEED+ project in Sri Lanka used a market systems approach to target specific leverage points that lead to more inclusive, job-rich growth in value chains for groundnut, coconut, maize, pulses and sea cucumber.

Gatsby Africa’s Kenya Markets Trust succeeded in formalising employment opportunities for rural pastoralists, improving health and safety throughout the entire livestock market system and generating retail employment by stimulating customer demand for better quality meat.

Watch the webinar

Read Matt Ripley's blog Value chain development for decent work - a systems approach to creating more and better jobs