Evidence for market systems approaches

Ediscussion: Evidence for market systems approaches, September 2015
Moderators:  Elise Wach, Institute for Development Studies and Marcus Jenal, BEAM Exchange

The ediscussion looked at several competing perspectives on what constitutes credible evidence and considered the following questions:

  • How should we collect evidence for market systems approaches?
  • What is the scope of how and what we measure?
  • What designs and methods work?
  • How can data be used effectively for learning and improving?

Over 100 people participated in the ediscussion, including practitioners and donors. 


Towards better evidence for market systems initiatives, Elise Wach, 2015
This paper asks what constitutes credible evidence for programmes and initiatives that use a market systems approach. To help stimulate debate a draft version of the piece was circulated before the discussion, and the final version incorporates some of the feedback. Delete