Operating market systems development programmes in a ‘donor-intensive’ environment

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Practitioners often find themselves operating in environments that are saturated with development initiatives, and that receive support from a number of different external agents. Sometimes we work with beneficiaries (“partners" in M4P jargon) or with programmes that have similar goals and objectives to ours, or even on programmes that are managed by the same implementing agencies and on behalf of the same clients, but with which we struggle to collaborate. Operating in a donor intensive environment, however, limits the effectiveness of our programmes, since our beneficiaries, implementing partners and clients (the donors) face conflicting incentives. How can practitioners best manage the situation? In this paper I share some answers to the question by focusing on three different scenarios, one of high official development assistance (ODA), one with competing market system development (MSD) programmes, and one where donor support comes in a politically charged environment. I hope these three ideal-types can be the starting point of a structured discussion on how to better implement a programme in a donor-intensive environment.


March 1, 2017, 4 a.m.

Mahbub Alam, PhD

Very interesting topic! However, I could not download the full document. Really appreciated, if someone email it to me: [Hidden email]

March 1, 2017, 3:57 a.m.

DR. Mokhleshur Rahman (DVM, MSc, MBA in Management

Great Writing

March 1, 2017, 3:29 a.m.

Andrew Kezala

Interesting post and REAL time document to read through and discuss, however I am facing challenges too; of download the document

Feb. 28, 2017, 12:53 p.m.

Sara Karnas

Thanks Mary, we're working on a fix

Feb. 26, 2017, 8:26 p.m.

Mary Morgan

This is a great post. Thanks. When I went to download the document off the BEAM blog an error message appeared and it is not possible to download the full document. FYI