Market analysis


Mapping your market

A market map shows the structure and interactions of the system, the roles and functions of different people and their performance in relation to each other.

For example, a market map would demonstrate whether local animal health service providers were available to dairy farmers as well as the quality of their advice. Visual market maps are the most useful.

Participatory market systems development (PMSD): The market map

How to visualise market systems as market maps.

To build a market map consider the core market and the supporting functions. Analyse how the target group engages with the core market: are they on the demand side as consumers of goods and services, or on the supply side as producers of commodities? 

Next, look at the supporting functions that are relevant to that chosen market system. The doughnut model shows how exchanges at the heart of a market system are shaped by the supporting functions and rules that surround buyers and sellers. 

The 'doughnut' diagram below shows a potable water system consisting of a core, supporting functions and rules. Its core function is the delivery of potable water supplies. The effectiveness of that delivery depends on a range of supporting functions and prevailing rules.

Principal market system: potable water supplies

Your map can also be used to understand whether or not you are looking at the right market system. For example, the above doughnut model relating to water could be built into another doughnut in which tariff policy becomes the core function for your intervention strategy. 

Supporting market systems

Market mapping is iterative and your initial map will evolve during implementation.

Leverage points: places to intervene in a system

A classic reference for those seeking to implement change.

Using systemic M&E tools in Feed the Future Uganda

Example of the tools used to monitor structural change.

M4P Operational Guide. Chapter 2 - Diagnosis

Core principles and frameworks for diagnosing system constraints.