Impact evaluation

DEEPEN: Endline evaluation volume 1 - synthesis

Developing Effective Private Education Nigeria (DEEPEN)


for market systems approaches

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Published by
EDOREN & Oxford Policy Management
Project implementer
Cambridge Education & Springfield Centre
Results level
Systemic change
Observational / Qualitative
Data source
Monitoring Data
Intervention types
Improved access to finance
Improved access to information
Improved marketing of products
Improved product / service quality

DEEPEN aims to improve learning outcomes and conditions for poor children in private schools. It facilitates change and supports innovation in the private education system in Lagos - focusing particularly on schools which serve poor children. 

DEEPEN focuses on making the market system work better by addressing constraints in four principal intervention areas, alongside a results and learning component. These interventions areas are:

  • rules and standards
  • information
  • finance
  • school improvement

Intervention description

The report draws on the key points from DEEPEN's Endline evaluation volume 1: Synthesis. The evaluation approach is theory-based.

The analysis assesses DEEPEN by following its theory of change and gathering data on the key assumptions and context, as well as expected outputs and outcomes. In this way, the evaluation is able to argue that DEEPEN has led to certain outcomes, provided there is evidence on the assumptions, context, and outputs. 

Evidence methodology

The revised evaluation plan relies on:

  • a mix of primary qualitative data collected by EDOREN in 2017
  •  quantitative data collected by EDOREN at baseline
  •  quantitative data collected by DEEPEN’s results measurement component