Case study

Revitalising agriculture in Northern Uganda

Case study of AgDevCo’s impact on agribusiness and smallholder farmers at the Gulu Agricultural Development Company

Published by
LTS International

This case study tells the story of a cotton processing trading company (GADC in Northern Uganda) through the eyes of the farmers it supports, the people it employs and the AgDevCo staff who have worked closely with the company to provide it with investment and technical support. 

With support from AgDevCo and the Smallholder Development Unit, the Gulu Agricultural development Company (GADC), has started the process of agricultural transformation in Northern Uganda. 

  • It helps returning subsistence farmers to develop their agricultural, financial and business skills while supporting women’s agency and independence. 
  • It is connecting fields to markets and producers to exporters. 
  • It is introducing modern technology, adapted to achieve maximum impact in the region.