
Commercial agriculture Portfolio review 2018 for DFID

John Cantrill Etienne Lwamba Yvonne Pinto
Published by
IMC Worldwide

Compilation and analysis of the portfolio of projects covering commercial agriculture.

Commercial agriculture makes up an important part of DFID’s activities and the Conceptual Framework for Agriculture. It is important for an understanding of the alignment with strategy, the allocation of resources, the MRV systems and indicators, of results and achievements, and to inform future programming.

The assignment has been carried out in two main phases:

  • extracting updated, revised and verified data from the publicly available sources, and collating those into an improved database of relevant projects, and presenting the results of the analysis of that portfolio.
  • qualitative analysis investigating, by semi-structured interviews with those responsible for an agreed sample of projects: 
    -  the various approaches to, and results of gathering data about job creation and the quality of those jobs
    -  the availability of, collection approaches and costs of developmental impact data from the increasing number of companies which participate in DFID-funded projects