
2019 Evidence review

The results achieved by programmes that use the market systems development approach

Published by
BEAM Exchange

A narrative synthesis of current evidence. What does the current evidence base say about the impact of programmes using the market systems approach?

The BEAM Exchange regularly collates and analyses different types of published evidence documents that describe the results achieved by programmes. Currently there are around 150 evidence documents in the BEAM Evidence Map, that meet our stringent inclusion criteria

This 2019 Evidence Review focuses on three key questions:

  • What results have MSD programmes delivered?
  • Does MSD deliver value for money?
  • How do MSD programmes achieve change? 

It highlights the growing evidence base that describes the results and poverty-reducing impact of programmes using an MSD approach.

It puts the spotlight on five recent high profile, high impact examples while also drawing attention to the continuing difficulties faced in generating robust evidence of market systems development.

This report is the third annual review of Evidence by BEAM.