Impact evaluation

Decent jobs for youth and improved food security through the development of sustainable rural enterprises

Independent final evaluation of the YAPASA programme


for market systems approaches

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Project implementer
Results level
Mixed method
Data source
Intervention types
Improved input supply
Improved marketing of products
Improved value chain coordination

Yapasa is a private sector UN Joint Project, aiming at facilitating the creation of sustainable employment opportunities for young women and men in rural areas through the promotion of sustainable micro, small scale enterprises (SMEs).

The programme focused on soybean and aquaculture and horticulture.

Intervention description

This report describes the objectives and scope of the evaluation study. It gives a brief overview of the socio-political context and of the programme.

It accounts for the evaluation criteria applied as well as the evaluation questions. It describes the evaluation methodology and approaches and the key documents that were consulted.

Evidence methodology

Data was collected through several means from many different sources, i.e. through a mix of methods to gather both qualitative and quantitative data and information (quantitative data was drawn from secondary sources).

Methods included: documentation review; in-depth semi-structured interviews; formal meetings; informal discussions and focus group discussions; e-mail correspondence; and questionnaire survey.

The evaluation team applied methodological triangulation of responses and information received which served the purpose of ensuring credibility and validity of the results and crosschecking information to minimise any bias. Qualitative content analysis was also used to analyse the gathered information and 'rival' explanations.