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Case study examining GROW’s Women Sales Agent (WSA) model. The model is one of several ways the programme is working to increase market linkages
and sustainability for women farmers in the Upper West Region of Ghana.

This woman-to-woman model addresses the unique skills required to be a successful woman-centric intermediary in the soy value chain. It is proving to be empowering for women, generating evidence of increased agency and access for WSAs, and to some degree for women farmers themselves. 

WSAs have been able to improve their role within the market system, earn more money for their services, increase their status within their household
and community, and achieve a greater role in decision making while also increasing access to vital services and products for women farmers. 

Challenges and lessons learned are discussed in this case study, which also features four profiles of WSAs.

Greater Rural Opportunities for Women (GROW) 
GROW project operates in 8 districts in the Upper West Region of Ghana, empowering women farmers to create opportunities through cultivation, utilisation and sale of soybeans, accessing extension services and markets to increase their household’s economic well-being.
View the complete learning series on the GROW project

Read Holly Krueger's blog: Women as agricultural sales agents get results