
RAMA-BC 2020 Annual Report

RAMA-BC: Resilient Agricultural Market Activity - Beira Corridor

Published by
Land O'Lakes Venture37

RAMA-BC supports local producers to increase agricultural productivity, profitability and resilience to irregular weather and declining soil fertility in Mozambique’s Beira Corridor.

The report covers year four of this five year programme, focused on these core activity areas:

  • Behaviour Change Communication (BCC) – development and rollout of a comprehensive BCC strategy, multi-media campaign and local promotion through private and civil society partners
  • Model Family Farms (MFF) – demonstration of CSA/intercropping, technical assistance through a network of demonstration farms and on-farm trials of improved seed varieties
  • Sustainable extension services – strengthening private extension services through model family farms, and local service providers, in coordination with public extension networks and research
  • Strengthened market systems – linking seed suppliers to markets, technical assistance to private sector partners