
2021 Evidence review

The results achieved by programmes using a market systems approach

Published by
BEAM Exchange

A narrative synthesis of current evidence. What does the current evidence base say about the impact of programmes using the market systems approach?

The BEAM Exchange regularly collates and analyses different types of published evidence documents that describe the results achieved by programmes. Currently there are around 203 evidence documents in the BEAM Evidence Map, that meet our stringent inclusion criteria

This review provides an analysis of 52 documents, representing evidence from a total of 36 programmes, mostly published in the last two years. They included impact evaluations, reports, evidence briefs and case studies.  

The review examines evidence about:

  • poverty reduction 
  • pro-poor growth and access to services 
  • market system change

It explores what this new evidence says about the impacts of MSD programmes, summarises key findings and identifies trends, challenges and lessons from the evaluation of MSD practice. It also makes recommendations about how to improve the production of credible evidence.

The findings are illustrated with snapshots from fourteen programmes presented as ‘MSD cases’ and ‘spotlights’.

This report is the fourth review of Evidence by BEAM.

Watch the webinar, with the authors and Rachel Shah (Springfield Centre), that took place on 19th October 2021:
What results did the MSD approach deliver? A review of the latest evidence