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A case study examining MarketMakers' (youth employment and job creation) programme interventions to develop the non-formal education market for professional training and adult re-training in Bosnia & Herzegovina.

The intervention focuses on non-formal education, maintaining that until the governance of the formal education system improves dramatically, non-formal education has a vital role in filling the gap between what is taught in secondary schools and universities, and what is needed in workplaces across the country. 

It describes what MarketMakers did, who they worked with during the intervention's pilot phase, how they exited the phase and what the preliminary results were. 

It represents a ‘live’ case study. At the time of publication there is still no apparent singular membership organisation, thematic cluster, or representative body that specialises in, or is at the forefront of, non-formal education development in Bosnia & Herzegovina. The programme is seeking to identify prospective partners who may be motivated and have the capacity in the long-run to play a more significant coordinating role.