
for market systems approaches

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Published by
Project implementer
Results level
Poverty reduction
Observational / Qualitative
Data source
Secondary data
Intervention types
Improved access to finance
Improved access to information
Improved product / service quality
Improved value chain coordination

The aim of this synthesis paper is to establish an overview of evaluations, studies on performance, lessons learned and evidence reports for effective development cooperation in the business sector. It’s overall purpose it to map out experiences, effects and impacts of projects supporting the business sector.

Intervention description

The report classifies the interventions analysed into three categories: (1) interventions with the purpose to create an enabling environment; (2) interventions directed at business development services; and (3) interventions that grant technical assistance, information, and provision of financial support to specific enterprises.

Evidence methodology

This report is based on a database of 240 evaluations relevant to the sector, mainly from English speaking bilateral and multilateral donor agencies from the past 10 years. From those, 60 reports were selected using a stepwise approach of randomised and judgemental sampling. Additionally, the report uses research, technical and policy papers.

Useful for:

Donor agencies that work in business development services, technology transfer, and business environment reform.