Evidence map

Resources that describe the impact and effectiveness of programmes that use the market systems approach. Hover over a bubble to see the resources, or use the filters to narrow your search.

All resources in the map meet our primary inclusion criteria. 'High confidence' resources meet additional secondary criteria.

Low confidence High confidence Total
Results level

Results that show direct outcomes of MSD interventions

Systemic change

Results that show enduring changes in the targeted market system

Growth and access to services

Results that show the targeted market is functioning better for poor people

Poverty reduction

Results that indicate a correlated reduction in poverty

Type of intervention

Improved access to finance 4 7 11 7 6 13 4 8 13 7 15 22
Improved access to information 6 8 14 5 9 14 15 9 26 7 22 29
Improved input supply 5 10 15 8 9 17 12 6 18 10 27 38
Improved marketing of products 3 7 11 2 6 8 9 5 14 7 18 25
Improved product / service quality 3 6 9 13 10 23 11 10 22 11 25 36
Improved value chain coordination 13 14 27 11 9 20 14 9 24 13 27 40

About the Evidence Map

The vertical axis: the type of intervention which contributed to the results described in the document.
Horizontal axis: the results level of the evidence which the document contains.

We welcome contributions to fill the gaps and enrich the body of evidence. The Evidence Map was last updated in July 2021.
You can also see a full list of the evidence documents, and the methodology used to build the map