Module 5: Reviewing and integrating results


Integrating the results of inwards-out and outwards-in approaches

Combining the results from intervention performance monitoring and changes in the wider market system provide the basis for assessing how the programme is progressing towards its goals.

The market systems strategic framework, sets out four levels of change for a market systems programme, and therefore provides the overall framework against which indicator data and other sources of information can be reviewed. 

The table below sets out monitoring questions to consider for each level of the strategic framework. The first step in integrating the inwards-out and outwards-in results is to marshal the indicator data and other sources of evidence. The next step is to review the evidence from both approaches in order to consider how the programme is achieving its overall goals, as indicated by the questions in the fourth column.

Integrating results of inwards-out and outwards-in approaches

In assessing all questions it is important to triangulate the results, in other words, make use of different sources of evidence. Triangulation can also provide a wider and deeper understanding of the performance of an intervention, or of changes in the wider market system. It is also important to help the programme team construct a narrative of how programme interventions are linked to the observed changes in the market system, which is where contribution analysis is used.


Understand the concept and how to use different forms of triangulation.