Policy brief

What difference does CLA make to development?

Key findings from a recent literature review

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  • Does an intentional, systematic and resourced approach to collaborating, learning and adapting contribute to organisational effectiveness? To development outcomes?
  • If so, how? And under what circumstances? 
  • How do we measure the contribution?

USAID’s Bureau for Policy, Planning and Learning and its LEARN support contract are working to integrate systematic, intentional and resourced Collaborating, Learning and Adapting (CLA) throughout programme planning and implementation to achieve more effective development programmes. As part of this effort USAID is exploring several approaches to understand whether and how strategic collaboration, continuous learning and adaptive management make a difference to organisational effectiveness and development outcomes.

To begin this work, they undertook a foundational literature review of academic and gray literature to answer the questions above. The 12 key findings are described in the briefing.